Mooring ropes for Wet Cargo

One-stop shop for fibre and steel wire ropes for hoisting, luffing and mooring of oil tankers

Wet cargo shipping companies operate in highly competitive global markets for transportation of non-edible and dangerous liquids, as well as edible non-dangerous liquids. Under increasing cost pressure, wet cargo carriers must operate as efficiently as possible. Optimising mooring and towing operations is an important factor in achieving efficient loading and unloading – reducing unnecessary and costly delays and additional port charges. 

Lankhorst Ropes offers a one-stop shop for a broad range of fibre and steel wire ropes for hoisting, luffing, mooring and towing for wet cargo vessels from Aframax oil tankers (75,000 - 115,000 DWT) through Suezmax (160,000 DWT) and VLCC (150,000 and 320,000) and up to T-1 supertankers (550,000 DWT). They offer outstanding service life performance and, as a result, low total cost of ownership.

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Why Lankhorst ropes?

Reliability and safety
Lankhorst Ropes is fully certified according to ISO 9001:2008, our factories for both steel wire and fibre ropes are approved by many IACS members, such as Lloyds, DNV/GL, BV and ABS. In addition, Lankhorst Ropes incorporates features like higher visibility, traceability, snap back protection and lower weight in their ropes, making them easier and safer to use.
Service and delivery
Lankhorst Ropes maintains stock points at strategic locations and main ports worldwide. Thanks to our widespread network and global presence, you are ensured continuity of supply, fast service and short delivery times.
Through life, for life service model
Lankhorst Ropes: through Life, For Life gives operators a portfolio of rope service life support and sustainability benefits unmatched in the industry. Through Life, For Life helps minimalizing risk, increase safety for people & environment and lowering the total cost of ownership.
Ease of handling, speed of mooring and rope safety are the trademark of Lankhorst Ropes

Ease of handling, and rope safety are the trademark of Lankhorst Ropes. Manufactured in the EU using the latest in-house yarn extrusion and rope production techniques, the rope construction is optimised to suit the application and prevailing mooring conditions. All Lankhorst ropes are manufactured from premium materials, tested to OCIMF Meg 3/4 recommendations, and offer full rope traceability. Moreover, we work closely with our suppliers such as DSM Dyneema, to ensure the highest quality standards from raw materials, through manufacture, delivery and installation of the finished rope.

Consistent rope performance is vital during mooring and towing. Using Lankhorst ropes, vessel operators are assured that their ropes are made with the greatest materials consistency to provide the same elongation, and service life, enabling more efficient rope management and supply through  Lankhorst Ropes’ extensive global stock point network. In this way, the risk of mixed mooring is eliminated.

Lankhorst has a dedicated fibre rope R&D centre providing the technical know-how needed to produce award-winning rope innovations in rope handling and safety. In-built anti-snap back designs reduce the risks to crew, as does the A3 splice that makes rope handling easier and safer during mooring and towing.

Lankhorst Ropes ‘Your’ partner for new build and replacement ropes. The breadth and depth of our range of fibre and steel wire ropes, backed by a global network of stock points, means we are able to provide complete fleet supply ensuring your wet cargo shipping operations remain efficient and cost-effective.

For more information
maritime sales+31 515 487
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